Monday 1 February 2016

Memorandum Monday ~ Sketch

The first Monday in February (Really? I know!) and I'm joining Sian to share something new I learned this weekend.

All that driving is clearly paying off, when my girl can now produce a quick observational "sketch" (her word) that looks like this.

Have a great week.


Patio Postcards said...

WOW what talent - I thought for sure it was a new recipe being shared. Does a Mother proud. Happy February 1st.

Sian said...

Er, wow! That's amazing. I thought it was a photo at first.

Have a good week!

helena said...

what talent - hope someone got to eat it too. have a great week

My not so simple life said...

Amazing 'sketch' cant wait to see how her talent develops :)

debs14 said...

Wow! What amazing talent she has!

This West London Life said...

Wow, that's astonishing!

Maggie said...

Very talented. The colour is wonderful. Keep up the driving her there!

Jane said...

wow, amazing!

Louise H said...

Amazing. How very talented your daughter is. Makes me annoyed that people get paid a fortune for art that requires absolutely no talent - this is an example of 'proper' art.

KraftyKaren said...

Your daughter is so talented!!

Have a great week x

Sandra said...

She's so talented ... Gets her creativity from her Mum, I think x

Cheri said...

If that is a "quick observational sketch" then I can only imagine how beautiful the art she puts time into must be! Look forward to seeing more of this type of beauty on your blog!

Jo said...

She really is so talented, that's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word that is absolutely brilliant - what a talented young lady.

Beverly said...

That is fabulous, such talent, I hope it brings her great joy!