Wednesday 16 November 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #389

Those four weeks flew by. I don't seem to have much time for my poor neglected blog these days. I taught a class this morning and snapped the contents of the kitchen table, once I'd unloaded the car. The tools of my trade.

I've had two new ladies join the group in the last couple of months. The challenge is to build up their skills, beginning with the basics, but keep the projects interesting for those who have been coming several years. Today, that was a fairly simple box to hold four tealights. The lid lifts to reveal the contents.....

.....and the drawer slides out to access them.

The finished box makes a sweet little gift. That's it from me today. Linking up with Julia and the Deskers. I'm about to head out and pick up my girl. I'll be round to visit after dinner. Happy Wednesday.