Friday 16 October 2015

Pairs ~ Road to Nowhere

I've talked quite a bit lately about my boy away at university. It's not the only change that's taken place around here. My girl started her Illustration course at college and that means she's swapped her ten minute walk for a forty minute bus ride. To catch that bus I have to drive her to another town, 17 miles away.

This is what a typical Wednesday looks like.....



I'm clocking up 70 miles a day and it really does feel like the road to nowhere sometimes. And yes, I have that song in my head now. Do you? You're welcome.

Linking up with Helena, before I get in my car again. It's a shorter college day and we should be home by 5.30. Thank goodness it's Friday. Have a lovely weekend.


helena said...

and dark for both drives this time of year too - what a trooper you are - and yes I do have that song in my head now - thanks !

Maggie said...

The lengths we go to as mothers. It's a long day for both of you. When can she start learning to drive? My eldest went to college 30 miles away but she stayed there during the week. Once she was 17 she got plenty of driving practice coming back and forth at weekends, passed her test and drove herself. That of course starts new worries for me but less driving!

Patio Postcards said...

I'll say it again, you are a very kind Mom. Will this, No Where Journey be for a long period of time such as the duration of the degree? I don't know the song you speak of but I do have any song rattling about :) Hope you have a good weekend - see you on Monday Me ...

CraftygasheadZo said...

The things we do for our children, but then I wouldn't have it any other way. Longs they are happy then it makes it all worth while I say!! Take care Zo xx

debs14 said...

That's a lot of driving just to catch a bus! At least you know she's getting to the bus stop safely (and warmly!) early morning journeys always seem worse in the dark don't they?

Julie Kirk said...

Ach. As someone who works either at home or 20minutes away ... I shudder at the idea of a commute. [Although sometimes I get dreamy about reading/writing away on a train ... the fantasy being far more romantic than the reality of course!]

I hope you find something useful/entertaining to listen to on your trips!

Sian said...

J had a breakfast meeting yesterday and got his leg pulled for complaining about having to leave the house before 8am! We are lucky here in that we have never had to face that kind of a commute. You are a star! But wow, it must get a bit wearing..

Jo said...

That is a lot of traveling time for both of you!

alexa said...

My goodness, that's a shocking distance to have to do :(. Are you doing that daily? Her illustration course sounds wonderful, and I am sure your daughter is grateful to you. I am taking my hat off to you :).

KraftyKaren said...

What a long day for the pair of you. Mr P is now getting use to having to commute to work and having to leave so early. I hate early turn week when his alarm goes off at 4.10 am and I keep forgetting that he isn't going to roll in 20 mins after his shift finishes - more like 90 - 120 mins later. We are slowly getting use to it but I am mentally counting down to his retirement - only 7 years and 8 months to go :D Are you counting down to when her course finishes?? I hope the winter is nice and mild in your neck of the woods with all that driving to do.

Linda said...

Oh dear that is a long way to drive twice a day! I too hope that your winter is mild to make your drive easier. Good luck to your daughter with her course!

This West London Life said...

That's a great pairing, but not so great is all the extra mileage ...

Gail said...

Oh what a long day for you both! Once she's on the bus does it take long to get there?

Missus Wookie said...

Hope you get to listen to podcasts or audio books during the journey and waiting. Yet another thinking you are a good Mum, hope she appreciates it!

Sandra said...

What a long old day that is for you bot, and not nice when both trips are in the dark. But at least you know she's safe