Monday 12 October 2015

Me on Monday ~ The Same Old, Same Old edition

It was a weekend not unlike the two that went before. This time we visited our boy for the day on Saturday, rather than bringing him home, though. Hoping he'll manage without us next weekend. We'll see.

Getting back, tired and hungry, to a closed road (carnival night) we abandoned the car and walked home via the fish and chip shop. Thinking of our boy watching the rugby here, while we sat on the sofa to see England play.

On Sunday there was a roast to be cooked and a "New Baby" card to be made, for the newest arrival in our extended family. An episode of Beck to be watched, while The Mechanic and my girl were out. He hates subtitles but I like them. They make me stop completely and focus on the programme, rather than trying to get something else done at the same time!

Today found me and my girl on a coat buying expedition, to replace the one she left on the bus a couple of weeks ago. We've waited hopefully until now, but sadly whoever discovered it chose not to hand it in and the colder weather is on its way. It's a bonus to have days out together during the week now that she is at college.

Waving to Sian and that lovely bunch of Mondayers.


alexa said...

Hoping that your boy settles soon, and finds his feet and a tribe he can begin to feel at home with - these things take time ... Blimey, that's a huge screen! I'm with you on the subtitles front :). Wishing you a good and worry-free week.

Maggie said...

I have been thinking about your boy all week. I hope things are improving. Annoying about the coat but a good excuse for some time together.

debs14 said...

I was wondering how this weekend had gone, but you there for one day is a step forward from him at home for two. If this is what you need to do for a short while it will be worth it.
Sometimes I can cope with sub titles and other times I'm just too tired to concentrate that much. My husband is a huge fan of those programmes so I use that time to catch up with my book or sewing.

helena said...

that looks like a fun way to watch the rugby - hoping you all have a good week

Sian said...

I'm hoping you ALL have a good week and that next weekend brings cheery news. Yes! I like the subtitles too because for once I don't feel compelled to keep my hands busy or the paper open in front of me as I watch. The funny thing about Beck is how much of it almost sounds recognisable: almost, just not near enough. I hope you found a nice new coat

CraftygasheadZo said...

Well I hope you all had a good weekend. Hope you found the right coat too!! Take care Zo xx

Suzy said...

Sounds like a good weekend. Glad to hear the boy is settling in well to University. Shame about the Rugby although we are quite pleased with the Scottish team unlike in the footie.

KraftyKaren said...

I actually watch subtitled programmes whilst doing the ironing - I put the board up in front of the tv - I can virtually iron Mr Ps hundreds of polo shirts with my eyes shut anyway LOL!!

Sorry nobody was honest enough to hand the coat in - sad :(

Hope you get to have a weekend at home next week xx

This West London Life said...

I've been thinking about you and your boy ... keeping every crossed for him.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh sad about the coat, but just think of it as the person that found it & kept it needs it desperate so. I laughed about abandoning the car via the fish & chips shop. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you.

Sandra said...

How annoyIng that her coat hasn't been handed in. I hope she managed to find one she likes.

Jo said...

It sounds like a busy but night weekend, it's a shame you had to buy another coat though x

Anonymous said...

Hoping this past weekend went smoother for you all. Now that looks like a nice place to watch a game - would be too cold here right now for that though.