Wednesday, 21 October 2015

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #333

The kitchen table is cleared, ready for dinner when we get back at 7pm. Nothing to see there, I'm afraid.

In lieu of a desk shot, here's one of the cards we made in class this morning. The rest were Christmas cards. I'm saving those to share once Hallowe'en has passed and I'm feeling a little more festive.

It's so dark here today, as you can probably tell from the photo. I should have taken some pictures yesterday when the sun was shining. How do you get sharply focussed shots on dull days? Any tips gratefully received.

I'll be back on Friday with my SIPIDI project progress. If all goes to plan, there will be a Linky List to share what you've been inspired by on Pinterest (or elsewhere) this month. Care to join me?

For today, I'm linking up with Julia and the deskers of the world.


Linda said...

Lovely autumnal card! I'm in on SIPIDI! I'll show you what me and my friends made when you do your post! X

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Fiona, love the card, the embossing folder(?) used is stunning.It's good to be back visiting, looking forward to getting back into my craft room. Have a good week, hugs, Shaz xx

Twiglet said...

Lovely texture on that card - simple and classy but beautiful. x Jo

Patio Postcards said...

Beautiful card. I also like the embossing tree trunks, a nice background to the coloured leave tree.

alexa said...

Oh, that tree is so perfect for autumn - lots of our trees up here look like that, with dark trunks and lemony leaves. Super ...

Unknown said...

Your card is absolutely lovely. It's perfect! :)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Lovely card, great embossing.Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 24

Diana Taylor said...

What a lovely card - I really like the embossing folder you used too - it's quite spectacular!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana #30

Maggie said...

Lovely card. I was hoping to pick up some tips on dull day photography but there are none so far. You could use a tripod to use a lower exposure. Set the camera to timer exposure so that you don't have to touch the camera and jolt it as it takes. Yes I know that's all a big faff!

Marit said...

Such a nice Autumn card, love it! I live in an apartement on the second floor with big windows to the North-West so even on dark days I have good light to make photos. Do you have such a spot in your house? I used to take photos of my art (in our former house) in our bedroom... and sometimes even outside in the garden. Look for a spot/window that has the most light and it usually works. Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #13

Sofie V said...

I love your textured autumn card!

Greetings, Sofie #56

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's a beautiful card! I love your style, very elegant (and the card's not bad either!!)
I saw a comment somewhere that you didn't have to go to Plymouth last weekend...awesome news. I hope things are settling down....
Hugs, LLJ 14 xxx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Fiona,

What a nice card. I like the embossed trees.

I'm finally getting around to some desks today - better late than never.
Happy belated WOYWW
Hugs, Kay (38)

KraftyKaren said...

Really lovely card. I try to take my photographs near to a window to get as much natural light as possible but it is hit and miss. On my camera I sometimes find using the macro setting helps.

Sian said...

What a lovely card. It's a beautiful colour combination. I struggle a lot with finding light here too. Near a window helps and I have a "lights on" filter from Radlab which helps too

Louise H said...

Gorgeous card. I can't help with the photo problem. I sometimes use my bathroom - I think the white tiles help reflect more light but the background isn't as photogenic!

Jo said...

Another lovely card, I don't know how you think them all up! x

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely fall card. As for lighting on dull days. I think Ali Edwards shared somewhere on her blog about how she takes photos for her blog. Found it - it's at

brenda lee said...

Simply lovely.

Happy WOYWW!
brenda lee #59

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a great fall card.

Nikki said...

What a sweet looking card you've made
hugs Nikki 3