Friday 30 October 2015

SIPIDI! ~ Round Up

We've had a very busy week around here, with both children at home. It's been a pleasure to spend time together, between the assignments they've had to complete. The kitchen table has seen a lot of action in the past few days.  It mostly looked like this.....

.....and not a sewing machine in sight. That's OK. I may not have made a great deal of progress on either of my sewing projects, but I do have something to share that made it off my Pinterest boards this month and onto our menu.

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Stew from Deliciously Ella. A lovely hearty dish, which I have served with wholemeal rice on one occasion and quinoa on the other. Just right, now that the nights are drawing in. A welcome addition to my Meat Free Monday repertoire. I did a few things differently. You knew I was going say that, didn't you?

Steaming the sweet potato seemed a bit of a faff to me. Instead, I roasted it while I had something else in the oven. I only put in one aubergine, because that's what I happened to have on hand, and frozen (whole leaf) spinach in place of fresh. The amount of spice seemed a lot. I cut that down slightly and I didn't have any fresh coriander to garnish the dish.

The recipe is supposed to feed four. It filled a very large pan and there is no way I could have eaten a quarter of it. I would say at least six generous portions.

I've spotted one SIPIDI! post around blogland this month. Karen was inspired by some cards on her Pinterest boards and made a lovely selection, using one of my favourite stamp sets: Gorgeous Grunge.

Now over to you. If you joined in this month let me know in the comments and I'll add you to the SIPIDI! board.


Sandra said...

I'm the same as you, you have to tweak some recipes a bit to make them work for you. Sounds yum

Louise H said...

The recipe sounds fab and looks like a good one to freeze. Sweet potato is a favourite around here so my OH may well be trying this,
Glad you had such a lovely family time x

Alison said...

Glad you've enjoyed Half Term.....I ALWAYS have to tweak recipes as I start to follow them and discover there's SOMETHING I don't have! xx

Amanda said...

A pity you didn't finish the sewing, I hope you'll share them when you do.

I did my walk - - so now I need to find a new project for November...

scrappyjacky said...

I nearly always tweak recipes as well.

Maggie said...

Glad you have enjoyed having your family around you. I am always tweaking recipes. I wonder what farmer husband would say to a meat free Monday!

Sian said...

It's lovely having everyone back together again for a bit!

This looks good. Filling is always good round here.

alexa said...

Sorry the sewing didn't get a look in, but revision looks as if it was both urgent and important; what a supportive Mum you are :). There are some great sites for food, aren't there? I've had a peep at Deliciously Ella and will return, so thank-you! (You might like Minimalist Baker - not just sweet goods either).

Jo said...

That does look nice, I'm another one who doesn't follow recipes :)

Gail said...

It looks and sounds quite nice. I must see if that would go over well with John. :) I'm always changing recipes up because of dislikes, allergies and sensitivities.