Monday 20 October 2014

Me on Monday

I was just beginning my bedtime routines and rituals, when I realised I hadn’t waved back at Sian today. So here I am.


Today has been all about the soup. Restocking the freezer with some of our favourites. It has also been about the baking. Although the less said about that the better! I tried something new: a fat free flourless brownie. That’s a bit of a stretch for me. It really is a very strange “cake”. I decided it was a poor offering, even though my friend had requested something virtuous. I thought I should have an alternative. While I had the oven on for dinner I mixed up some Cornish Fairing dough. Despite having made these at least a hundred times, with no problems whatsoever, today was always going to be the day they went wrong. They didn’t spread out, but sat stubbornly in their allotted lumps. I whipped them out of the oven, pressed them down with a fork and popped them back in. They became stubborn lumps with fork marks in the top. Ah well. My girl managed two after dinner so they can’t be too bad!


Sian said...

It's the taste that counts! There must have been a lot of lovely cooking smells in your house yesterday. And with the freezer stocked, you could to enjoy it all over again too. Perfect.

Have a good week!

Jane said...

I think we've all had times like that!

KraftyKaren said...

It is always so annoying when a tried and tested recipe fails :(

I think there will be some Meadow Barn soup being produced here this week - I ordered two sweet potatoes with my shopping as they usually give you quite small ones - I was delivered the two largest potoatoes I have ever seen in my life LOL so one will be recycled into soup!!

scrappyjacky said...

It certainly is the taste that counts.
My DD just mentioned today that it's time to get making soup again.

Sheena said...

If DD came back for seconds they can't have been as mad as you thought xxx
Have a good week

Sandra said...

It's certainly soups weathe

Susanne said...

Soup sounds wonderful, and having it stocked in the freezer sounds heavenly.