Monday 7 July 2014

Me On Monday

Sian started this little peek into her weekend, back in May I think, and I’m jumping on board today.


This is me on Monday, in my new Converse and very old jeans, admiring the daisies, having hung out the washing. As you can see from this shot, whatever else was happening this weekend, there was not much mowing going on around here!


It was a Saturday working, Birthday card making, scrapbook page finishing (yes really!), new shoe wearing, Mad Men watching, whole night sleeping (hooray for that one), old clothes sorting, mackerel pate spreading, jeans unpicking, denim recycling, shower dodging, washing rescuing, Smite playing, character animating, affogato enjoying and definitely no grass cutting sort of weekend.

How was yours? I’m off to scoff some more of that pate. Perfect on a nice thick oatcake. If you’d like to try it, you can find the recipe here. These days I just go with the creme fraiche, leaving the cottage cheese out altogether and my lemon juice has been known to come out of a bottle. It’s still good.


Sian said...

How good do those sneakers look with those daisies? What a great combo!

..and how much do I love mackerel pate? Yum!

Hope this week is a good one for you Fiona

Sandra said...

So happy you're joining in, but next week don't cheat we need a proper selfie lol.

KraftyKaren said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend xx

scrappyjacky said...

We love mackerel....that definately needs trying.

Julia Dunnit said...

Affogato too. Sounds good. Mine was a partying and sleeping type of weekend!

debs14 said...

Love that picture of the converse against the daisy strewn grass. That pate recipe sounds delicious, must give that one a go!

Beverly said...

Love those sneakers! I'll pass on the mackerel pate but can't wait to see the finished denim product ;)

Barbara Eads said...

Wow! You had a busy weekend! Love the plaid-ness of your new shoes!

Sheena said...

Loving the pumps x

alexa said...

A visual treat and one for the taste buds too. Off to follow your link - I bet it will be good on my non-grain raw tomato bread :).

Maria Ontiveros said...

I adore that first photograph. So cute!