Thursday 1 March 2012

Don’t worry….

….I haven’t been shut in the understairs cupboard!* Things have gone a bit pear shaped on the decorating front and I haven’t had a chance to sort out my Month in Numbers.

I’m driving up to Herefordshire tomorrow for a DIY retreat with some lovely crafty ladies and I’m just waiting for the soup to finish cooking before I can go to bed. There won’t be a Five Things I’m Loving This Friday now, but I will have a story for you on Sunday. Have a great weekend.

*See yesterday’s post.


Beverly said...

Fi, That sounds like an absolutly glorious way to spend the weekend, have a great time!

jill said...

Have a great weekend Fiona.

Sian said...

See you Sunday, then! and have a lovely time

Alison said...

Am very jealous of the sound of your weekend...enjoy!
Alison xx

Sandra said...

Have a fabulous time Fi, drive carefully and can't wait to hear all about it x

alexa said...

Now that sounds like a delightful Time To Be Had By All! Hope it's lovely ....

Jo said...

I hope you had a really great weekend Fi x

Lisa-Jane said...

I had to read that a few times! I thought, why is she going on a DIY retreat? Hasn't she just had enough of decorating? Then it clicked. I blame the paint fumes ;-) Have a wonderful time!