Thursday 3 November 2011

A Thought for Thursday


Never put passata in a mug you usually drink your coffee from.


Anonymous said...

Now that made me laugh! Thank you

Beverly said...

what is passata?

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Haha! I was going to ask the same thing that Beverly did! :o)

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Passata = sieved tomatoes
I'm guessing it must be called something else in America!

alexa said...

Spluttering into my non-passata mug here! Loved your googleplex comment too.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Thanks, Fiona. It sounds like it's the equivalent of what we call tomato sauce. :o)

Alison said...

You didn't drink it instead of your tea/coffee did you?!!
Alison xx

Julia said...

ROFL - that is a fabulous "life lesson"!!

Jaki Morris said...

Thanks for the advice
