Wednesday 2 November 2011

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday #126

A bit late in the day, but it couldn’t be helped. A lousy photo goes without saying at this time of night, although I don’t think it would have been much different at 4pm!


I’m trying to perfect my rolled roses and I think I still have a little way to go. I’ve seen a project that needs rather a lot of them and unless I can make them more quickly, I’ll be lucky to get it finished by next Christmas.

There’s the usual pile of odds and ends left over from other things and scraps underneath them. The negative chipboard from the reindeer I made last week, stamps and a TH rosette die.

On the right, the letter that my daughter brought home from school today, or rather the form that I need to fill in for her. She is very excited at having the opportunity to go and see The Nutcracker ballet at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. I’m very envious.

My ancient Nokia is on top, as I can never remember what my number is, without looking and the school require us to complete ALL our details, every time they go on a trip.

I think that’s about it for today. Julia is ready to welcome you, if you feel like sharing the contents of your desk too.


Lisa-Jane said...

I really like that rosette die but I can't bring myself to spend the money on it when it only does the one size, unless you can cut it down once it has cut / scored? I'd love to see the Nutcracker - she's a lucky girl!

Susanne said...

Your desk looks like it serves you well, like you've got things going on there. I've only had my rosette die for a week or so, and I'm still playing with it. It's hard to believe the holidays are so close. There is nothing like the Nutcracker to put you in the mood - I'm sure she'll enjoy it.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How exciting for you daughter - I love The Nutcracker, she's going to have a whale of a time!
The rosette die is clever, so simple and yet it make flowers - me likeee!
Hugs. LLJ xx

alexa said...

How exciting to go the the ballet! I'm intrigued by that interesting looking clutch of things in a bag to the left ...

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Fiona thanks for popping over - and yes I adore the Nutcracker too wonderful to go and see it there! I saw it at Saddlers Wells when in London with family in 2006, and cried- was soo happy was pinching myself was seeing my fav. ballet!!

And Fiona was thinking you need to have a photocopy of a school permission sheet and just hand it in each time, you could leave the line vacant which alters with each excursion and add that bit - or maybe that is being super organised?
I cant stand filling out forms myself. love Shaz in oz.x

Neet said...

Your name was not emboldened or anything so I had to search but not to worry.
How lucky your daughter is going to see the nutcracker - love the music from this.
Good luck with the roses.
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet

Sian said...

Oh, that not the Nutcracker that we saw the programme about last Saturday night? How fabulous would that be! You aren't the only one who is envious :)

Lulabelle said...

Love your tote holder! your desk is tidy! Hope your daughter has a great time at the ballet!

JoZart Designs said...

Your daughter will adore the Nutcracker. How wonderful for her! Stick at those rosettes, practise makes perfect!
I am amazed and well impressed that you met Sandy Denny and you should get the tapes put onto CDs... there are technical shops that can do it for you , don't risk losing them.
Love JoZarty x

April said...

Good luck with all those rolled roses! some intersting bits and bobs on your desk, thanks for sharing x

Angie said...

I hope your DD enjoys The Nutcracker ...lucky girl. I have seen all different dies that make rollup flowers ...this one looks good where is my Xmas list???? You look as thoughyou are a very ordered crafter.

Kate said...

Good luck with the flowers. My daughter would love the school to take her to the ballet, they usually end up doing street dance workshops!

Where do I find the choccie cake in a mug details?

** Kate **

Alison said...

I LOVE 'The Nutcracker'...what a lovely school outing!
Alison xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Those roses look wonderful, but I think I would worry if I had to do a lot at a time. Good luck getting the project finished. Hope your daughter enjoys The Nutcracker.

okienurse said...

Nice looking desk this week. I think you are catching on to using the die! Rosette looks good. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #68

HeARTworks said...

Ohhh, why don't you go along with your daughter! I would love to watch the Nutcracker Suite as I've only seen it on TV. So magical! Unlike you, I kind of like filling up forms. A good thing too, because my mom always lets me do hers!!! Patsy from

Charlie said...

Thanks for visiting - I totally understand about the rolled roses - bought them - love them - and have a lot of trouble making them perfect too. Ended up telling my self imperfect roses are lovely too =0)

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the stuff on your desk, and that you have to keep your mobile handy 'cos you can't remember your number! I have to look mine up everytime too- people look at you very odd when you say you can't remember it, :) My excuse is that I don't ever phone my own number, lol.sorry I'm late, again(!)

Morti said...

Oh - how lucky your DD is! I was equally lucky, aged 9 - at the time I went to an East London school, and we got to see the same ballet at Covent Garden. One of the ballerinas came into the school with a couple of costumes to show us before we went, and I can remember sitting up in the gods peering through the opera glasses trying to work out which one she was on stage. It's a fab ballet and well worth going if you can scare up tickets for yourselves!

Keep persevering with the roses and I'm sure you'll come up trumps!

Thanks for stopping by...

Julia Dunnit said...

Persevere..but how good do they have to look - I've put some on my blog this morning (I'm very late) so maybe you should sure yours are really good. I'm with you on the The Nutcracker - a trip I'd volunteer to help with!!