Sunday 1 May 2011

The Dress

There has been much speculation over the last week as to what the dress would look like, so I thought I would share a dress story of my own.

A very dear friend of mine had a black tie party for his 18th birthday and although the cry may often be heard, I really did not have a thing to wear. I have always been a jeans wearing kinda girl and could think of nothing suitable in my wardrobe for such an occasion.

I knew that the sort of dress I had in mind would be beyond my limited Saturday girl in a shoe shop budget. There was only one thing for it, I’d have to make one. My Mum rolled her eyes at the very thought, no doubt remembering a school report entry for needlework saying, “She shows little interest in the subject and makes very little effort.”

Undaunted, I chose a pattern and a length of silky purple taffeta, dragged out my Mum’s old Singer from where it languished at the bottom of her wardrobe and began. It was not an easy task and possibly a crazy undertaking for my first attempt at a piece of clothing. I cursed that slippery fabric many times, but I persevered and ended up with a dress I was proud to wear to my friend’s party.


This picture was taken a couple of years later, in my halls of residence, when the dress had its third outing, to a Summer ball. It still hangs in the back of my wardrobe, although I can no longer shoe horn myself into it! I just couldn’t bear to part with it, even after 25 years. Maybe one day my daughter will want to wear it and continue its story.

After enjoying all the other stories that were shared as part of Sian’s Storytelling Sunday last month, I decided to take the plunge and join in today.


Unknown said...

An amazing dress and I am so impressed, do you make any clothes now? Great story and well told.

Anonymous said...

It looks super. Guess you just needed the right motivation. :)

Sian said...

Fiona, this is such a cool story with it's matching photograph! It really spoke to me today - because I had been thinking about Shimelle's "timeline". I was going to do "my crafty life" and one of my entries is going to be the formal dress I made from grey silk for my last year at school Formal. I got a few wears out of it too!

So, this story had me smiling (and admiring - that fabric must ahve been so hard to sew!). Thank you for joining Storytelling Sunday. You are a very welcome addition :)

JO SOWERBY said...

thaNX SO MUCH FOR UR LOVELY COMMENT. I love ur dress such abeautfiul colour and a fabulous story to remember. i remember going to a ball many years ago in a shot green taffeta gown made by my mum. she still has it and also my bridesmaid dress from when i was 7 years old,
Jo xxx

scrappyjacky said...

Well....the teacher obviously got it wrong, because that dress is stunning....and such a lovely story to go with it.

Jen said...

Your dress is beautiful - and you look stunning in it! No wonder you have kept it. Lovely story and so appropriate for this week. J x

Alison said...

Wow! I am very impressed..the dress is beautiful, no wonder you kept it!
Alison xx

This West London Life said...

What do teachers know? That's a beautiful dress, well done!

debs14 said...

Well that dress looks beautiful to me and I do hope it gets passed onto your daughter! Silk taffeta - wow, that must have been challenging to work on, but the end result is lovely.

Becky said...

Wow! That dress is amazing. If I had made something that wonderful I wouldn't want to get rid of it either. Great photo!

Wanda said...

Your dress is beautiful, and I'm impressed that you completed it. There's a lot going on there above & beyond the slippery fabric that I'm sure tested your determination more than once. I do hope your dress gets another wearing sometime in the future.

Sandra said...

its so so beautiful Fi, I'm not surprised you don't want to part with it.

furrypig said...

that is a great story of motivation! Fab dress, at school I made a pencil skirt to wear as my mum wouldn't buy me one as part of my uniform! I love tat your dress is still in your wardrobe and it could be worn now as it is a timeless styel i think.

alexa said...

How beautiful - the dress, the story, and you! :) What determination ...

Jimjams said...

What a wonderful dress - and you look absolutely stunning in that photo!! Well done on making it. I used to make loads of outfits having learnt dressmaking at school and it was the norm amongst my friends too. Can't find the time (or the fabric shops) these daya :o(

Cheri said...

beautiful story and you looked gorgeous in that dress!

Amy said...

Gosh, you did such a great job, the dress is beautiful and I cannot even comprehend a project like that!

Maria Ontiveros said...

So glad you joined in! I do love the story.

Winnie said...

Great story and great dress! Good on you for persevering with it AND managing to wear it out three times!

Ali said...

Ive seen that photo of you before,but dont think I ever knew you had made it.You are one talented girl Fi :)

Jo said...

That is a great story and your dress is amazing

Unknown said...

What an awesome story! The dress is amazing - I would never get rid of it, either!

Jane said...

you looked amazing! Yes I've done those classes too and remember you!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dress. I think it is a timeless classic and your daughter should be proud to wear it.

Susanne said...

Fabulous dress - and fabulous you for being determined to succeed. I can see why you'd keep it in your closet all these years.

Miriam said...

Your story is lovely and how wonderful to have not only the photo (fabulous colour) but the dress as well!

KraftyKaren said...

Gorgeous dress and gorgeous photograph of you xx