Friday 8 April 2011

Five Things I'm Loving This Friday....

  1. Throwing the french windows open to let the sunshine in.

  2. Coming across this much loved old book while tidying up this morning.

  3. Finding my kit to make this skirt with a beautiful Rob Ryan design.

  4. Knowing that with this ball of wool and a pair of chunky needles I can make a scarf in an hour....maybe!

  5. Having my children home for two and half weeks. Woo hoo!

What about you?


humel said...

The book sounds so sweet! And the sewing and knitting projects sound great, do share when they're done, won't you? xx

Kimberlee said...

French windows? I'm jealous. Sounds like you have a terrific weekend ahead.

Rachel Holaday said...

Great list! 5 things I'm loving?
1. a new bright & cheery raincoat on a very wet day
2. rainboots too, I might add!
3. Chipotle burrito - fajita style!
4. Grandparents in town
5. Friends & family over for a 'just because' TGIF party

Ali said...

Lovely to be able to open your french windows and let the fresh spring air in. When I open my back door I have half the neighbourhood cats and dogs in lol! That book is just so cute, really miss those days when they read such gorgeous books!

Sian said...

I'm very envious of the Clothkits skirt kit - I keep meaning to buy something, having spent my teenage years sewing clothes from the original Clothkits. A great list!

Sandra said...

Great list Fi :) I have a clothkits kit somewhere .. thanks for reminding me about it. xx

Winnie said...

Great list! I love that skirt! You'll definitely have to show us when it's done. :D

alexa said...

Looking forward to the finished articles! Thank-you for the link to ClothKits - I had no idea they were still going!