Sunday, 7 May 2017

National Scrapbook Day Blog Hop

This post is part of the National Scrapbook Day Blog Hop, hosted by the Facebook Group For the Love of Pretty Paper.

I am the first stop. Welcome to the hop.

Let's get the rules out of the way first, shall we?

"To be in with a chance of winning the Blog Hop prize, you will need to comment on this post and all the other blogs in the hop. When you have completed the hop return to the Blog Hop thread on FTLOPP and leave a comment to let us know that you have been all the way around.Visitors who leave the same comment on all the blogs will not be eligible for the prize. The closing date for entries is Monday 8th of May at 10pm. Entrants with a UK address only please. Good luck!"

Now, on with the fun. The theme for our hop today is "Favourite Techniques" and this is currently one of mine.....

.....using embossing folders as background stamps.

You will need.....

 embossing folder, a brayer, an ink pad and some card stock.

Get your brayer nice and inky.....

.....and apply to the raised part of the pattern you'd like to print.

Lay the card stock on the inked surface.....

.....close the folder.....

.....and apply pressure by firmly rubbing the whole area.

Open the folder.....

.....and remove your card stock.

Cut to size.....

.....and add to your project.

Your next stop is Crafty Little Bling. Head on over to see Sam's favourite technique.

If you get lost along the way, just pop back here and you'll find all the blogs with links in the correct order. Have fun,

Me (Fiona Cullen) ~ Staring at the Sea
Sam Sweetlove ~ Crafty Little Bling
Niki Rowland ~ Being Scrappy
Ruth Sim ~ Chatty Crafty Arty Pig
Susan Roberts ~ Me & Mine
Laura Rumble  ~ UK Scrap Addicts
Amanda King ~ Amanda's Scrapbook Pages
Gemma Steele ~ My (not so) Simple Life
Julia Budd ~ Stamping Ground
Julie Jeavons ~ Letting the Days Roll By....
Maria La Chica ~ Crafts by Marialachica


Fay aka Beautifullily said...

this is a great idea. I have recently got into embossing and have ordered some more folders, so need to give this a try

Bethany-Joanna said...

Oh never thought of this! I'm off to buy a brayer, great technique!x

Rita T said...

I don't really emboss much but I think I could manage this. I have a couple of embossing folders - I'll dig them out this afternoon and give it a whirl.

Lulu said...

Mmmm, never thought of this but as my embossing folders are a little dusty, I will need to dig them out to give this a go! Thanks for a great idea!

Unknown said...

This is a cool idea! Will definitely have a go - my embossing folders don't get much use these days x

Unknown said...

I have to be honest, i have never embossed before but i think its something that i need to look into x

Claire Louise said...

Gosh I have never thought of doing that and yet it seems so simple and effective. Love the hexagon design. I have a little collection of hexagon things including an embossing folder so will be having a go at this for sure!

beverleyb said...

I don't use my embossing folders enough & this makes them more versatile. Thanks

amnse said...

This is an interesting technique and good to see how it can be used for scrapbooking.

Sally said...

Oh Wow, never thought to do this before, what a great idea. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Love this idea!!

susibee said...

This is a great idea and very effective, thanks for sharing.

My not so simple life said...

Thats a brilliant idea! Never thought of this, genius :)

MiniOwner said...

What a super and effective idea!
Susan x

AndreaH said...

Love love LOVE this idea how great is this. I'd never of thought to do that...just amazing. I'm glad your on the blog hop as I wouldn't of seen you otherwise lol. I see loads of blogs on things like this papercrafting and card making but not many tell you exactly how to do things like you have. THANKYOU very Uchida for sharing your talent x.x.

Tanya said...

I have inked the embossing folder and run it through the big shot, never thought to use it like a 'stamp' ☺

Lis' Garden in Liverpool said...

Love this - will dig my embossing folders out again and try this!

Janice said...

Love the idea of using ink - will give this a try! Thank you x

Unknown said...

This is a great idea and although I don't have a brayer I'm sure I can improvise and give it a try. Nice one.

furrypig said...

Love this idea Fiona need to buy a brayer but have lots of embossing folders so definitely gonna try it out

Dneez said...

Didn't realise you could do this. Great idea. Now need to add a Brayer to my list of 'wants'!

Michelle said...

Cool need to try that when I fibd my brayer lol xx

glitterandglue said...

Hi Fiona. I like the look of this idea - must try it out for myself... I don't scrapbook, but I make plenty of other artycraftystuff!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret from WOYWW

Ramblingsofgeo said...

This is a really cool idea that i haven't seen before!

Julia said...

That's a fab idea Fiona. Thanks for he walk through. I'll be trying that x

sarahscraps said...

nice idea, one to add for future use

Ruth said...

A great idea Fiona I have used this technique for card making but not scrapbooking- I shall definitely give it a try now - thank you!

Jo said...

That is a great technique and I sometimes pop it through my Big Shot to give texture to the inked image x

BJ said...

Saw this blog hop on Julia's page when I went to catch up on WOYWW so earmarked the beginning to have a nose once I'd finished my WOYWW replies.
Oh nice technique, one I haven't really tried myself but after scrappy inspiration so it's now on my list.
Thanks for this blog hop, off I go boing boing boing.........

Julia Dunnit said...

Genius. As always. Love the way you've combined the patterns on the LO too. Great post.

Niki Rowland said...

Totally fabulous technique, I have loads of embossing folders in a drawer somewhere! Lovely layout too xx

Scrap8ooker said...

Great idea, love your layout! I don't have a Brayer but have a few Tim Holtz ink pads and a dusty Big Shot. Think I'll dust it off & give it a whirl. Thanks!!

Alison said...

Great layout - the embossing is really effective.

Jess said...

I've got this technique pinned on Pinterest but have yet to try it but might give it a go now x

Kerry said...

I've tried this once and the results were disappointing but I didn't use a brayer. Perhaps now I have one it's time to try again! TFS. X

Kirsty said...

Now I need a brayer!

Sandra said...

I have a brayer .... somewhere lol.

Choka said...

I love this technique also tried it with multiple distress colours sprayed lightly with water to give a water colour effect.

Margot/NZ said...

I'd never thought of using my embossing folders that way - thanks for sharing this idea!

Natalie Weller said...

Such a clever idea to do this!! And what a great effect!

Sian said...

Another excellent reason why I should finally take the plunge and order a machine :)

Karen said...

I know this, but never remember it! Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

What a good idea must give this a go. Can see my animal print folders being used as stamps on my safari LO's

Antonia said...

OMG this is amazing! I'll definitely be trying this technique out!

Amanda said...

Fab idea. I don't have any embossing folders but I do have some neglected Fiskars texture plates. Wonder if I can copy the technique with those?

justgowiththeflow said...

Haven't considered using stamps in that way! Will defo try it!

Gembob said...

I'd forgotten about this technique! Definitely going on my list of things to try again! Thanks!

Susana Laurencia said...
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