Monday 27 March 2017

Mail on Monday

I couldn't let March completely pass by without giving Sian a wave. Luckily I had a couple of things arrive in the post last week, other than the usual barrage of junk mail and brown envelopes. This reference book was on the shelf when I was growing up, but I had no great interest in it at the time. Isn't that always the way?

Unfortunately it disappeared when Mum moved from my childhood home. The book is highly regarded among the online sewing community and I've been keeping a look out for a secondhand copy. I have seen it go for silly prices on ebay, but my patience was rewarded and I paid just £2.85 from Revival Books. A bargain.

I'm thinking it may come in very handy when I begin to tackle my latest project. A shirtdress using a vintage pattern from 1967. The year before I was born!

In other news, I took my girl to her final uni interview this morning. She thinks it went well and we now wait to hear if they will offer a place. The other three have and she has a top choice from those so it will be between the two. A tough decision for her. Happy Monday to you on this glorious sunny afternoon.


Maggie said...

My mum had one of those books. I expect she still has it somewhere. Now you are making me feel old....vintage? Yikes I would have been 9 then! My mum had loads of those patterns and I expect they are still there too!

Sandra said...

The cover of the book seems so familiar, either my mum had a copy .... or maybe I do! Ok, I need to check this lol

Jo said...

Now you've made me think that I should keep a beady eye out for that book! :)

Patio Postcards said...

I remember my Mom having a massive sewing manual/bible/reference book, I wonder if it was the same as your newly acquired treasure. Having a dress pattern from the same year as your birth sounds a fun project to make - I found a blog recently that sources older dress patterns - you are on to something. Would the appropriate response be "funky" ... Happy week ahead

helena said...

I have that book and found it invaluable when I used to make clothes a lot - my Mum gave it to me when I left home. What a nice position for your daughter to be in with her choices for University. have a great week

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I remember that book too! In fact, a couple went through my hands when I was at Oxfam. Hope you have many happy hours reading it and put the advice into practice!!

This West London Life said...

I love the look of that cover, it makes me want to reach in and pick up the scissors. I hope you wear something you've made when I get to meet you in September (I will be wearing Seasalt, naturally!).

Sian said...

The interviews and the rest are a hard slog: I'm sure you'll all be glad once that final choice is made.

My aunt had a copy of that book. She was the dressmaker in our family and the one who introduced me to Clothkits all those years ago. I like that pattern very much..pity you don't do commissions :)

Karen said...

If Maggie feels old, I must be elderly! I was a freshman in college in '67! I was still a seamstress, then, too. It's been many years since I tried my hand at making clothes. I lost my interest when it became more expensive to sew than to buy the similar garment. Glad to hear your girl has good choices; it's a nerve-wracking decision if I remember my daughter's experience. Once I had visited the schools where I was admitted, I knew instantly where I wanted to go, and it was definitely the right decision. Never had any regrets. I hope it's the same for your girl.

alexa said...

What a bargain! Worth waiting for ... I'll be keeping my eyes peeled too, now that I am thinking of starting to sew for myself again. Such a hard time for a young person, with all these decisions to make and be made by others. Hoping for the very best for her :).