Wednesday 3 August 2016

Snap! ~ Unexpected Guests

Joining Helena today with a set of visually linked images.

This is what happens when you spend a few days travelling the countryside, from London (more on that another day) through Northampton to Oxford followed by a couple of days with an old friend in Shropshire, and neglect to mow the lawn.

All guests welcome here. Although The Mechanic may not agree!


helena said...

I'm always amazed at how fast flower will appear - some lovely spots of colour

Patio Postcards said...

Lovely Lovely SNAP collection. So The Mechanic thinks these are weeds? Oh no, too pretty - the last one really looks like it belongs.

Ruth said...

Isn't is amazing what pops up when you're not looking?!

Sandra said...

My mum once mowed the lawn. Let's just say it was 'once' .... She mowed around all the pretty flowers lol

Maggie said...

They are all rather nice to see. Lovely pics. You can't mow it now!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos and I can't believe how quickly the grass is growing this year - some weeks David has to mow twice.

Karen said...

Lovely spots of color! We have the opposite problem this year. It's so dry we can easily go two weeks between mowing.

Miriam said...

Weeds are just flowers in the wrong place. Enjoy them, at least until your mechanic gets the mower out.

Sian said...

I get you! I spent a whole afternoon digging dandelions out of our lawn before we went away. They are all back and then some. I think I'll just have to decide to like yellow.

Jo said...

Great collection of photos, flowers on the lawn are a great excuse not to mow :)

My not so simple life said...

Almost a shame to cut the grass!