Monday 11 April 2016

Memorandum Monday ~ Hair to Spare

If you're a Facebook friend, or follow me on Instagram, then you'll already know what's new around here this week. Apart from a short spell in my very early teens, I have had long hair almost all my life so it's a big change for me. One I'm happy to make for a good cause.

Sadly, far too many friends have had their lives touched by cancer over the past few years. There's not much I can do about that, but I am pretty good at growing hair. I found out about Little Princess Trust, the day *after* I had a hair cut, about 4 years ago. I decided to grow it again and I'm happy to report that this time I had a plait measuring just over 20" to donate.

Waving to Sian and the Mondayers on this damp and grey afternoon.

PS Several people thought I had my hair coloured as well as cut. The picture on the right is somewhat deceiving. I'm not really that dark. The first picture was taken just after lunch in sunshine and the second in the early evening. The colour, for now at least, is all my own.


Maggie said...

Well done you! Your new style looks lovely and such a good cause.

Melissa said...

I've donated my hair twice in the past ten years - it always feel so freeing when it's first cut. But after a while I miss the long hair!

Ladkyis said...

Do they want grey hair? mine is really long now and I am trying to decide if I have it cut off or leave it and be the miserable old lady with the long hair who won't allow it to be cut - for something like that I would have it cut

Patio Postcards said...

WOW what a different look for you & it looks fabulous. 20" is a lot of hair & what a wonderful cause to donate to - sad that we need to. Happy week ahead.

Sian said...

How brilliant is that?! Not only have you made an amazing donation, but you also have a gorgeous new look. Wishing you a well deserved, wonderful, light headed week!

This West London Life said...

What a marvellous thing to have done! You look amazing and when I first saw the photo on Instagram, I thought it was your daughter.

Jane said...

I saw your photos on instagram, I can't imagine having hair that long, your new look is lovely.

Susanne said...

Good for you. Your shorter locks look fab!

Jo said...

Well done! I think your new hairstyle looks great x

Lynn Holland said...

Well done. I sent a length of my hair last year. That was cut off over 40 years ago and I kept it. It was beautiful so I'm happy that it can be used for a good purpose

Cheri said...

I did that two years ago, but had to go super short to have the minimum 9 or 10 inch donation. So cool that you were able to donate so much and still have a really nice (not super short) style! I'm still trying to grow it long enough to do again, but I had to cave and get a trim recently - just couldn't stand all the dead ends any longer!

alexa said...

You look wonderful - what an amazing thing to have done in both growing and donating it. I expect your head feels much lighter now?

Sandra said...

If I could wolf whistle, I would. You look gorgeous Fi, all that and a very very very worthy cause xxxx

Dee said...

You look fantastic Fi. I love your new 'do'. I bet it's a huge change for you to get used to.