Monday 21 September 2015

Me on Monday ~ The Leaving Home Edition

This weekend was all about the boy. We loaded up the car and drove to his Halls.

Unloaded with the help of some friendly and very efficient student ambassadors.

Unpacked, put away, made his bed and stocked up at the supermarket.

Admired his view and hugged him tight, before heading home again.

Things are pretty quiet round here now.

Waving to Sian in a slightly subdued fashion this Monday.


Maggie said...

Ahh Fiona! It is not easy helping our youngsters to become independent beings! I so feel for you. It will most likely be us next year with our youngest. My older daughter has already been away at college for two years and she was still 16 when she went. It was so quiet without her and so noisy when she came home! I am sure he will have a great time.

debs14 said...

I used to hate the journey home after dropping them off, the car seems too empty doesn't it? Hope he's enjoying freshens week.

Sian said...'s such a whirlwind of emotions for everyone: happy, sad, relieved, sentimental all while trying to take care of the practical stuff. I couldn't believe how it took me back, too, to my own moving in day. It could have been yesterday..a very strange feeling!

I'm keeping my fingers well crossed for him, and thinking of you too. You've done a good job Mrs, or he wouldn't have wanted to go ..

Ladkyis said...

All the best adventures start with leaving someone behind. It brought back memories of my boys leaving to join the army. I had a heavy heart that day. Not hearing from the was the worst thing but these days you can get a text message. I had to send them pre-written forms with a stamped envelope - you know the ones? the said
Dear Mum/dad/granny/grandad

I am
Well/not well
broke/ok for money
starving/well fed

All they had to do was circle the right thing and then post it. It made them laugh and meant they kept in touch

Jo said...

I hope that he settles in well and has a brilliant time x

This West London Life said...

Gulp! Hope both he and you are feeling more settled into the new normal.

Susanne said...

Best of luck to him. It is always amazing me how much more compactly the male students are packed than the female.

Cheri said...

It IS hard, but it gets a little easier each time. Given that my babies are now in their senior year of college, I've done this so many times I've become an old pro! Still seems rather quiet with them gone...

KraftyKaren said...

I hope he has a fab time - takes me back to my moving in day in the nurses home - boy did I learn about real life pretty quick and I was one of the more savvy ones of our group - will never forget having to show the girl in the room next door how to make a bed and how to make toast LOL!! Hope the house isn't too quiet xx

Sandra said...

When I think back to the days of our gotta chat thread and all the things that we used to talk about, it doesn't seem possible that he's now this old and you're taking him to college. Where has that time gone xxx

Dee said...

Glad you managed to get him settled. Campus has been so very busy in the last couple of weeks but we love the hustle and bustle in Plymouth :)

Julie Kirk said...

Wishing him a fantastic new adventure - and that it marks the start of something fresh for you too.

I had a self-titled 'empty nester' message me last week to let me know she was searching around online for something to do now her kids were gone and found my blog via Pinterest. Maybe I should rent myself out as entertainment ... if everything's *too* quiet for you ... you know where I am!

p.s: I'm back on campus myself this week so I'll be surrounded by all the energy of the new intake for a while [it doesn't last!]. Similarly I went into a 99p shop - the closest to the Uni - last week and the shelves had been almost entirely stripped of A4 paper, notebooks and folders. That won't last either ... by Christmas they're all turning up without even a pen .... ;-)

Gail said...

Best wishes for him this year and for you adjusting to "the new normal".