Wednesday, 11 March 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #301

Back to reality here, after a lovely weekend away in Herefordshire. I spent most of my time yesterday feeding the washing machine so no time for crafting. Instead my daughter was busy at the kitchen table, adding to her Art coursework.


She has a whole bunch of characters, but this one is herself.


I do have one thing of my own to share with you. This is the other card that I had kits for, on my “desk” last week. I just used one colour of inkpad and was really pleased with the ombre effect, as the colour faded with repeated stamping.

That’s me. I’ll be round to see what’s on your desk once I’ve hung the next load of washing out! Check them all out at Julia’s place.


Annie said...

Happy Wednesday. I'm doing my visits of all my fav blogs while my twinnie munchkins play with their jigsaws ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Your daughter is very talented....just like her mum ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Annie x #18

MrsC.x said...

pretty card
Happy WOYWW!
Thanks for sharing
Mrs C.xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Fiona, what an awesome card. Love the colour, and the Ombre.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz xxx

Christine said...

You have a very talented youngster there - give her a pat on the back from me!
Love the card.
Have a good week.

Bishopsmate #38

Miriam said...

Hanging washing out! Oh! to have a dry day ...

Sian said...

She's very clever, that girl of yours!

Unknown said...

Your butterfly card is sooo pretty! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #48

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You are a talented bunch in your family! Well done to your girl, hope all is going ok with her art course.
Love that card of yours, the ombre effect is fab and anything with butterflies on is a winner in my book!
hugs, LLJ 5 xx

Monica said...

I hate dooing laundry. In the winter there is twice as much. It really eats into creative time.
A family that creates together how fab.
Monica 55

Unknown said...

Your daughter's artwork is really cool! And I love your ombre card! The butterflies are fabulous! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #59

Twiglet said...

I have been neglecting all my blog buddies recently so I am making a big effort to visit a few more this week. Your daughter has lots of talent there! I found my daughters GCSE folder in a cupboard here as I cleared out for our move - she is 34 now so why have I still got it!!! x Jo

alexa said...

Both beautiful - you are a talented pair :).

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the butterfly card,gorgeous colours. Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 31

Unknown said...

Love the butterfly card and your daughter's art is beautiful. Tell her to keep going! :)

Ladkyis said...

I really dislike card making - no, really, but you keep on showing me stuff I simply have to try. I think I will have to save up all my efforts and then sell them at the Christmas fair for my granddaughters school. I still dislike making cards though

Julia Dunnit said...

Hanging washing out - crikey, we're nearly at that time where you can hang and forget! Hurrah!!
Glad you had a lovely weekend, possibly even a little jealous! I love your daughters artwork..and how come she's got such gorgeous curly hair?!

Beverly said...

She is very talented! Today I am catching up on blogs, trying the needle fix you suggested on the sewing matching and going to the pool.

KraftyKaren said...

Love the ombre effect on the card and your daughter's drawing is great

Jo said...

Your daughter is very talented x

Kyla said...

Very clever use of only one colour inkpad.

Kyla #8

KarmaCraft said...

I love the drawing!!!! I hope she really gets the chance to shine at her new school! The card is great too. I must try that technique myself!