Monday 19 January 2015

Me on Monday

It was a post grabbing, envelope ripping, sigh of relief breathing sort of weekend. The last University offer (his top choice) came through and the tension has dissipated considerably. Just in the nick of time as mocks begin tomorrow.


Today you’ll find me photographing the stages of a screen card, ready for a tutorial. Making the most of the light. I actually had to pull the curtains across the french windows, it’s such a beautiful sunny day here. The lounge is toasty, despite the temperature outside. A bonus not needing to put the heating on in January.

I’m waving back to Sian and everyone else who is playing along today.


This West London Life said...

Great news about the university offer!

debs14 said...

Not got the heating on?! What?! I'm practically sitting in the fire to warm up!
Great news on the uni offer, what a great incentive as he starts his mocks.

Jane said...

great news, so pleased for him.

Sandra said...

Oh Fi, what fabulous news, I'm so pleased.

And I'm just choosing to ignore the part about not putting the heating on lol xxx

Sian said...

Hurray! I'm guessing you are all going to have a good week :)

scrappyjacky said...

It's definately not toasty here....freezing would be a more accurate description!!
Great news re uni.

Alison said...

Glad to hear about the university offer! xx

Susanne said...

So glad he got his first choice - yippee and congrats!

Jo said...

Great news about the university offer! X

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay, great news about the offer! Well done that man :-)
Hugs, LLJ xxxx

KraftyKaren said...

Great news about the university place and just in time too. Good luck for the mocks.

Brrrr it is ffffreezing here and the trouble with having a large open plan downstairs is you just cannot get away with no heating. I've also had part of the day with no doors as our patio doors needed repairing LOL - I was so desperate to keep warm that I did the ironing LOL!!! Look forward to the screen card tutorial x

Sheena said...

Great news on the Uni offer x

Abi said...

Congratulations on the uni offer! Where is he heading to?

Beverly said...

Congrats to him on getting an offer from his #1!!!