Sunday 1 December 2013

Storytelling Sunday 3 ~ Passport

Three years of Storytelling with Sian draws to a close today. Not being much of a writer, it was a good few months before I plucked up the courage to join in for the first time, with the story behind a dress. I’m glad I did.

So, for the last time, with Sian’s encouragement, I’m picking a precious…..


Around this time, in 1985, I was in my first term of A Levels and preparing to set off to India, with a fine group of friends, for five weeks.

Here we are in 2013 and my son is just beginning his A Level studies. On Thursday I waved him off on his own little adventure, to Barcelona for a five day Geography trip.

Neither of us would have got very far without our passports.

Thank you Sian for giving us this platform to share our stories and thank you to everyone who did just that. I enjoyed reading them, long before I shared any of my own. I’ve been a sporadic participant over the three years, but many thanks to all of you that have taken the time to read and comment here. It’s been fun.

Of all the stories I’ve told, the shortest is still my favourite. How about you?


Lou said...

I'm no writer either, yet I enjoyed sharing a tale or two...My eldest goes to Barcelona next year for his Spanish trip! x

Sian said...

..and thank you so much for gathering up your courage and starting to tell the stories. I remember the story of the dress so well because it chimed with me perfectly and I started to realise how much we would have to share if we were telling stories to each other face to face! So many great 80's memories..oh, no, don't get me started..

It's a special time when your children start into those years you remember so well, and with such affection. That chimes with me too. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us over the past couple of years Fiona. Keep on telling the stories! x

scrappyjacky said...

I'm definately not a storyteller...but I've so enjoyed reading all the stories....including yours.

Missus Wookie said...

Hope your son has a wonderful time.

As I'm busy sorting things out for my trip on Tuesday my passport is one of those precious bits to pack too.

Melissa said...

What a wonderful connection to draw between the two passports! So glad you joined in with stories!

debs14 said...

What a great comparison! Gosh, what an adventure you had for a 17 year old!

Mel said...

Yes India is a very brave first holiday with the girls! I went to Barca in the summer - I bet he will have a great time!

Karen said...

Aside from going to Canada twice a year, I have rarely used my passport. But this year, I got to Istanbul and Greece, so it would definitely hit the "precious list" now. Once thing I've learned from reading the Storytelling Sunday posts, is that the length of the story has nothing to do with its power!

Amy said...

Shhh, I'll let you in on a secret .... I don't have a passport ... yet!
I've travelled a lot within Australia but have not been o/s ... I DO have a lot of places on my wishlist though!

Abi said...

I agree with Debs- what an adventure for you at such a young age! You are a great storyteller, I love that you weaved those two adventures together.

Beverly said...

I'm glad you took the leap and joined in, I have enjoyed your stories and I love that this one ties up 2 generations.

Becky said...

I have enjoyed your stories too and this is definitely a precious.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

This is a fun "precious" item to choose! I hope your son enjoys his travels!

Jo said...

I hope that he has an amazing time x

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a great precious! I love looking through my old passports, as well as my kids. We've been to so many cool places.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a fun precious item and the stories I bet it could tell.