Wednesday 22 August 2012

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #168

It’s been a couple of weeks since I joined in with the desk hopping madness. The Mechanic has some time off work and I’ve had a little break from blogging in general. We had a wonderful week in Derbyshire, despite the terrible weather and are now home again and helping The Inlaws to downsize to a bungalow.


I needed a couple of gift card holders come birthday cards for my niece and a friend’s daughter. The makings of those can be seen on my kitchen table today.

Head on over to Julia’s place for the low down on why I’m sharing my desk today.


Lisa-Jane said...

They look like great colours Fiona, glad you had a good time "oop North".

The House of Bears said...

Lucky you, we're off to the Peak District soon, can't wait

Unknown said...

Love the pink and black. #138

Beverly said...

Love that you had a great time in spite of the weather. I'm sure the girls will be quite happy with the gift card holders.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good luck with the downsizing...shudders...been there, done that, still bear the scars... No, not really, but it is hard for everybody when they leave their former home.
The pink gift cards are looking good, can't go wrong with spots in my opinion. Oooh, and I LOVE your cards from the previous simple and soooo pretty :)
Hugs, LLJ #71 xx

okienurse said...

great looking desk! love the bright pink polka dot and the black together in the cards. I have a couple of the new foam pads and they are awesome. Really juicy so it comes as a surprise with first stamping have ink all over!! I am not going to convert over to all new pads cause I have most of the reinkers for the old ones and since I don't have a job I have to watch money now! I love being a SU demo even though it is mostly just hobby. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #68

Julia Dunnit said...

A great week despite the weather means you were more than due for a good time, glad to see you back! really accurate overhead shot Fiona, were you standing on the chair? Like the pink dotty paper, great fun.

Anonymous said...

Not easy to downsize that's for sure, hope it goes well. These gift cards look like they'll be a lot of fun, great colours. And I have to agree with Jan, love the simple cards on the earlier post too.

Brenda 5

Twiglet said...

Glad you had a good break. Derbyshire is lovely. x Jo

alexa said...

Looks like a busy but fruitful workspace - and you're clearly going to be very occupied helping with the downshifting. Sorry about the holiday weather - at least now you know that everything I say about the weather up here is true!

fairy thoughts said...

I hope you aren't swinging from the light fitting in this shot!
love the colour combination
janet #59

Morti said...

Oooh, hot pink and black, always a winner in my book!

Thanks for stopping by....

Melissa said...

I like that happy bright pink paper!

Clair said...

Your desk certainly looks a lot tidier than mine! I love Derbyshire, so I do hope you'll share some photographs with us soon.

Thanks for the comment on my mini-album preparation too. I hope you'll join in with LSNED, it's a lot of fun x

Tertia said...

Your table looks very tidy. Pink and black are one of my favourite colour combos.
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #52