Friday 27 July 2012

Friday Find ~ Summer List

We’re a week into the summer holidays now and it’s all been pretty chilled out so far. The sun has shone and we’ve all enjoyed not being in the whole school routine. We always spend the first week sorting out the bedrooms. Clearing out old toys and outgrown clothes and sifting through the school work to see what needs to be kept.

Over the weekend we’ll make our plans for the next five weeks. The list won’t be quite as impressive looking as this one from whatever… but I think it helps to stop the long summer from just disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Hope the sun is shining with you.

PS If you want a few ideas for keeping your children/grandchildren entertained, then you can find my posts from last year here and here.


scrappyjacky said...

That looks a great way to do a summer list.

Anonymous said...

what lovely idea, I remember the days when we would do some of those. All of you who still have young ones that still wish do all of this with you - treasure it and take those photos whilst they still let you - Ali

Maria Ontiveros said...

I remember those younger, carefree days. The kids' summer activities are so much different now.

alexa said...

Looks like a fun list and hope your own brings lots of enjoyment as well as a tidy and clear home for September. :)

Lisa-Jane said...

That's an awesome idea if you had room. Might try and recreate something on paper.

Julia said...

That's a brilliant list! I want a chalk board now :) I'm with you on the sorting out - my first day off today as Josh only broke up on Friday. I have already thrown out his old primary school uniform, named his new high school one and started the kids off on sorting out their rooms!