Today's work space is the ironing board. Pressing some of my Christmas fabric for a couple of projects I have in mind. More about those on Friday. Hoping I haven't jinxed myself by saying that! The blog has had to take a back seat for a couple of weeks, while I've been driving 400 plus miles between Thursday and Monday, rescuing my boy from his hellish flat share to get some sleep.
I've got a couple of cards from last week's class to share.
Those lovely Wonderland trees again, along with a sprinkling of Falling Snow and my favourite Woodgrain background, finished off with a spindly word die cut.
Two of the same stamps used here, with a punched tag and a little bit of glitter. The first example may be a little more work than you want for a Christmas card, but not too bad if done in a batch. Although, unlike me, you've probably made all yours.
Linking up with Julia and the Deskers this early Wednesday morning, before heading out in the dark with my girl. I'll be looking forward to visiting with a nice hot cuppa on my return.
Goodness, I'm really impressed with the beautiful cards you make. I'm such a slacker, I guess, because cards just aren't in my wheelhouse. I have no dies, very few stamps, and a cutter that cuts crooked!
Hope your son has now gotten some sleep. Happy WOYWW from #1.
oh no, is your son ok now? hope you got some sleep too! great cards and good luck with the 'project'!! Helen, 3
Your cards are beautiful and hope everything gets sorted with your son soon hugs Nikki 5
lovely cards. Vicky(#6)
Gorgeous cards Fiona . Happy woyww Jill #14
Oh no....I'd hoped that things would have calmed down but obviously not :-(. Will you be investigating a change of flat, because you can't carry on like this, any of you.....sending huge hugs.
Your cards are gorgeous as always..I do love your clean, elegant style!
Hugs. LLJ 16 xxx
Those cards are absolutely beautiful! Hope you get the flat thing sorted soon.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #21
Flat sharing either works or is hellish. I hope this sorts itself out soon. Love the cards, especially that Noel. That spindly word die cut looks fussy, is it?
Beautiful cards. Love those word dies don't you? Have a good week!
Glenda #25
Beautiful cards as always. Hope your boy okay? Can imagine how hard that has been. I'm thankful Keagan shares his room with a nice lad. Though they have strict rules at the Racing school and they all have to be in their rooms by 9.30pm during the week and 10pm Saturday night. And they're not allowed to go out! It's strict so not like uni at all. Take care all that driving must be tiring. Zo xx 28
The only time I ever get out the ironing board is for crafting! Even then it is sometimes a hassle - unless I'm trying a new technique, in which case I'm driven by curiosity and fuelled by adrenalin! I've just heard of an easy shortcut to iron ribbons - use your hair straightener! Shame it doesn't work with larger pieces of fabric. Lovely Xmas cards! Happy WOYWW, Fiona! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #30
Nice fabric! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Sorry to hear about your son's flat sharing difficulties. Hope things get sorted for him.
Beautiful cards Fiona! Having made my own this year, I can see how much work goes into those!
I hope you managed to get your boy all settled and happy now. It's such a dificult in between time....they are too young to sort some things themselves and too old to want all the help we would like to give them :-)
Have a great week.
Annie x #17
Loving that fabric! thanks for visiting and the snoop around!
Robyn 2
I hope you have him home safe and sound for a while now! That's quite a drive.
The red fabric is beautiful
I'm so sorry to hear of his troubles. I hope things have settled more for him now. I still can't believe he's old enough to be at Uni. xx
By the way, gorgeous cards (as always) and oooohhhh loving the fabric xxx
I making a real effort to get round a few more desk this week. Fab cards. Hope the boy manages to sort out the flat share issues -its a real pain isn't it. x Jo
Hi Fiona, loving your cards. Will be keeping them in mind for next year!Which is really wishful thinking- my memory, I'll be lucky if I can still remember them by tomorrow, lol. Such a shame your lad is in such a bad house share- I take it he's looking around for a swap? Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #10 xxx
Ooooooh! those flatshares ...... hope he finds some new ones next year!!!
Stay strong, hope you can both get some sleep.
Take care
Bishopsmate #47
I love that Christmas fabric. I look forward to seeing the end product. Fiona I really feel for you over your son. Do go careful with all that travelling especially in some of the weather we have been having. This flat sounds a nightmare. I think Lunch Lady Jan is giving some wise words. I do hope he gets it sorted for his and your sake. Enjoy having him home.
I do wish I hadn't seen that iron, it's reminded me that I have loads of stuff to iron and I am busy making Christmas cardsd so he will just have to buy new shirts Lol! Happy woyww, Angela x 24
Really pretty cards! I love the woodgrain pattern.
Suzanne #40
Your cards have inspired me to using some of my woodgrain paper stash - thanks. I'm sorry to hear that your son is still having some flat mate problems. It's got to be hard on you helping him sort through this. I'll be sending you some positive energy thoughts throughout the week, I'll start now as I local my woodgrain paper ...
Great cards as usual. I hope your son has caught up on his sleep, it's such a shame he seems to be in such a disruptive flat x
Gorgeous cards - you will be glad when the holidays arrive and you will be able to have a rest from all of that driving
Lovely cards, but I could have done without the picture of your iron. I've been trying to avoid catching up on my huge basket of ironing - maybe I should take this nudge to heart.
Nice cards! Sorry about your son's flatmate problems. My daughter is finally glad to be done with sharing. She is going for a place by herself even though she may be a little more broke lol. She's had enough of sharing after being in University for almost four years!
Such lovely cards, Fiona - i really like the second one in particular. Golly, that's a lot of driving. Hoping there's a better solution for you all in the new year ...
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