Saturday 1 October 2011

Blogtoberfest….or “Oh Mel, what have you gone and made me do!”

So I started this blog back in March, but I can’t seem to get into a groove with the posting. I knew I wanted to take part in Julia’s weekly hop around the crafty desks of the world. I do that most Wednesdays, although not the last few, since I managed to misplace my camera lead and asking people to imagine my desk gets a bit tired after the first two weeks!  I also thought it would be a good place to share some recipes, both my own ‘throw it all in’ efforts, as well as some favourites from proper cook books. Those posts didn’t seem to be particularly popular, so they’ve petered out. My favourite thing is Five Things I’m Loving This Friday, which started as a fairly random list and has evolved into something with much more of a theme each week.

The blogging community is a fascinating place, giving little peeks into the lives of lovely folks all around the world. I have found some very friendly and supportive people out there. It’s always thrilling to get a comment from someone new, but it is even lovelier to have blog friends that come back time and time again. In the same way it is always fun to discover new blogs, but equally so to have a collection of blogs to follow regularly. While visiting Mel earlier today, I saw her post about Blogtoberfest and decided to investigate. It may be just the thing to give me a push in the right direction. Watch this space.


Jo.C said...

Thanks for this - I am going to commit too. Your post really hit a nerve as that is exactly how I feel and I know we started at the same time. Good luck with it :0)

Sandra said...

Oh dear, do I dare click the link lol.

I do understand what you mean about blogging, it takes a while to get into the stride of things

Kat said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I love all your handmade gift ideas you have posted below. I am hoping to make a few Christmas presents this year so this will definately help me with ideas.

Suzy said...

I know what you mean Fiona. I just get into the stride of it when something happens and knocks me off again

Katrina said...

Hi Fi,
I love reading your 5 things on a Friday & I miss the recipes, especially your 'throw it all in' recipes. My mum always made dinners that way & they were the best!
Do you have any tried & tested rock cake recipes, quite fancy giving that a go with my two

Have a fab Blogtoberfest :)
Kat xx

Sian said...

You are a braver woman than I am! Blogtoberfest would be too much for me, but I'm going to be looking out for some top posts here. I'm looking forward to it!

humel said...

I'm delighted you're joining in :) My first Blogtoberfest was just after I started up my blog; my first month was full of LSNED, and Blogtoberfest kept me going through the October. By then I was in the swing of things, it really helped my blog to get established :)

Beverly said...

Yay for you, I cannot imagine doing a daily post. If I did manage it would be because I did nothing but autopost all one weekend for the whole month lol Look forward to a steady stream of posts :)