Wednesday 1 May 2013

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday #204

Here we are again and this is what the kitchen table, which passes for my workdesk, looked like at 6am this morning. I didn’t tidy away last night, because I knew I’d be up first and could pack it into a box before anyone needed to eat.


My card looks a bit wonky, because I hadn’t actually stuck anything down at this point. The piles of card, at the back of the table, are kits ready to take to class.


Here’s the finished article, photographed when I got home. One of three that we made today. I’ve gone back to basics as several ladies have joined the class recently and although they have made cards before, stamping is new to them.

That’s it from me, short and sweet today. Julia will be pleased.


  1. Looks like it was a fun and productive class,very pretty cards, have a wonderful creative day

  2. Very pretty card. They need to SIT to eat?? LOL
    Krisha #36

  3. I love your embossing on the card- at least I think that's what it is. How nice that your ladies will be feeing catered for and not left behind.

  4. I love working at the dining table! Your card is cute and classy. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #17

  5. Your card is really cute. I like the stamps and punches you used. Thanks for stopping by. happy crafting. #10

  6. Gosh, I love that card! The pinks and browns work so well as do the embossed dots.... Gorgeous!!
    Have you visited Sunshine Girl's blog? She's got a photo of her taken with the GB sewing bee folks!!
    Hugs, LLJ 26 xx

  7. I love the card you have made it has a lot of texture going on and really stands out
    Happy WOYWW enjoy the rest of your week and I hope you get plenty of crafting time
    Ria #113

  8. That card is the stamping AND the embossing..can I be stupid and ask how you did the embossing?
    Alison xx

  9. I'm sure it was very much appreciated that you did some basics. Another great card Fi

  10. Hi,
    Sorry I'm so late in calling by this week but I've been having fun all day with my little twinny munchkins and blogging didn't get a look in :-)
    Such a pretty card on show today.
    A x #37

  11. Glad I'm not the only one who has to share a table! Really effective card - great photo!

  12. what a great idea having stamps and punches that match!!!Have a great crafty week!
    Happy Very late WOyWW!

    (((Lyn))) #142

  13. A cute card - sounds like a fun class.
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #85

  14. The card is very pretty and I have to admire how you can clean up first thing in the morning.
    Monica 103

  15. Really cute card! I think I need to get back to basics also. SO many people think they can walk into a class and walk out experts and I get so...never mind don't want to gripe. I love crafting and sometimes people that come to class are just wanting to tape and glue down everything I have cut and put together...not learn. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my desk and commenting. I like that! Vickie #41

  16. Love your card!! Super cute!

  17. Lovely! A really nice project for newbies too.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #80 xx

  18. Pretty card. Bet your newbies just love your refreshing and pretty style, learning to stamp is so much easier when you like what's being made!

  19. Oh gosh, that is adorable! I love all of your stamps and punches - jealous! ;o)

  20. Very pretty card. Love the embossing across the middle and the colors. You can't go wrong with pink and brown. April #122

  21. Another gorgeous card x

  22. What a lot of lovely things on your desk and what a lovely end product. I love the pink of that card you have made.
    Thanks for visiting me earlier - sorry I am so late - been away. Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Such a pretty card, and would look good in every other colourway too!

    Thanks for stopping by.... sorry it's so short and sweet but I've just realised I hadn't visited anyone yet after being away for the weekend, and it's WOYWW again tomorrow!!! LOL

  24. Such a petty card. Love it!

  25. Such a gorgeous card, love the colour combination you've used too


  26. I'm finally catching up after a busy few weeks! I think that card is wonderful! Its really cute but without being twee. I hope the classes are going well x

  27. Gorgeous Card Fiona! is this set being discontinued? I really like it and fancy that punch too! Ooh so much to get!!

