Thursday, 3 September 2015

Pairs ~ Rain or Shine

As the holidays draw to a close here, I've been thinking back to Summers of my childhood. It's the weekend of the Great Dorset Steam Fair, which was an event we went to every year when I was a little girl.

Here I am circa 1970, in my lovely head scarf, looking delighted to be there!

Mind you I didn't look a lot happier when the sun was shining.*

Linking up with Helena today.

*Some of you might remember this photo from Storytelling Sunday.


  1. Love this take on pairs and thanks for sharing such great pictures of you!

  2. great pair - we used to go to an annual steam engine fair too

  3. Aw, how lovely! It's hard to beat that 70's photo look..always takes me right back. You were very cute

  4. I love looking back on old pictures. A lovely pair of you.

  5. Many of my childhood photos look like that as well - it isn't being unhappy - it's squinting because of the sun! I still do it to this day.

  6. Lovely, and very sweet! Not to mention nostalgic ... I remember paddling pools like that too. And steam trains ...

  7. Aaawwww, I just love you've shared some of your childhood photos

  8. That's a wonderful pair! Maybe it was the sun that was bothering you - it's more of a squint I think than a look of unhappiness. :)
