Wednesday, 5 February 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #244

Hello from dark and gloomy Dorset. More rain and another shadowy desk shot.


This is what remained, once I’d packed everything for class. Offcuts from kitting. A failed prototype of the box I made. Evidence of a change of heart over colour scheme. Red with glittery cardstock, looked more Christmassy than Valentinesy, to my eye. The pink was a better choice I think. An old card which spawned a new one.

That’s it from me for this week. Join us at Julia’s for a good old nosey round.


  1. Love the glittery paper- I have some paper packs from Hobbycrafts like that. The card seems to be fine! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #42 xx

  2. love that red and the glittery paper.

  3. Looks like there is lots of creative potential on show there today :-)
    Annie x

  4. I always love the little bits that are left over after a project (or kitting). I always think I'll hold onto them to make something else, hence the large collection of scraps I seem to have accumulated. Love the look of the pink with the glitter paper!

  5. Is the glittery paper the SU one? I love their glitter paper. It's been very cold,dark, wet and windy here in the West Midlands as well. Happy WOYWW Anne x #63

  6. Hi Fiona! Sorry it is gloomy there. At least all the snow here is beautiful! All 8.7 inches of it! :) Love that glittery paper, and those dies that I see there, too. Happy WOYWW! Sharon #27

  7. I LIKE the red with the glitter!
    Alison xx

  8. Glittery, sparkle, red, pink....I love it all!! I'm such a magpie :-) bet your class was fun!!
    Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

  9. Thinking I might have to steal that Valentine card idea but I have a feeling I might have stolen it last year too! I like the glittery paper too. #46

  10. Cute card and I love the leftover bids. Peg R 25

  11. Just love the glitter paper and the cards will be a treat when finished.
    Sandra @59

  12. Ah love that - old cards to inspire for me! And I agree, the pink is lovely. Now here's the biggie - fdo you keep those scraps or bin 'em?

  13. Evidence of someone who really likes what she is doing and wants it to be right! Making a prototype means getting it right the next time round :)

  14. i can only imagine from your left overs that the kits you have put together are amazing x

  15. Your little bits and pieces look so neat and tidy :) x

  16. Love the LOVE card! You look like you've been very busy!
    lindart #105

  17. Glitter among the gloom - works for me.
