Wednesday 25 May 2011

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday?

Well here we are again, another week, another desk shot!


I’ve been playing around with the ipod case from Mollie Makes and made a few changes to the design. The cream piece of felt in the kit wasn’t big enough to go right across the width of the case, so I picked a blue from my stash to use instead.


I decided to scallop the strip and cut the circle to match, using a Nestie die. I cut the wing as an extra piece, instead of a cut out and made the bird face the other way. I’m quite pleased with the way it looks, so now just to sew it all together.

If you fancy a peek at lots of other lovely desks then head on over to Julia’s place to find them all. I remembered the link this week!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who found it wouldn't fit! I love your fresh blue alternative.

  2. Great space to work in. Very creative things happening and love all that's on your desk. Happy WOYWW ;)

  3. Cute. I was interested in that mag too but not seen it on the stands. Gosh I hate badly written instructions (although to my shame I am sometimes the culprit!) but I'm still tempted. Maybe a flick thru at the newstand ....

    Have a good one.

    Mary Anne

  4. FAb project. Hugs Pam x

  5. love your ipod case and the changes you have made - I have just bought the mag and have only had a quick peek at it


  6. Oh Fi, love what you've done with your case.

  7. Love your ipod case! The blue scallop looks lovely! Love your blog banner too, whereabouts is it?

  8. Great Ipod case, there's something lovely and tactile about felt.
    Kathleen x

  9. Wow I love the changes you have made to the case it looks really grand so far will wait to see the finished item next week love Shaz in Oz.x

  10. very tidy desk :)

    love that little felt birdie

  11. great case! shame the kit bit didnt fit, but your alternative looks great

  12. great case! shame the kit bit didnt fit, but your alternative looks great

  13. I like the little bird, very cute.

  14. I keep seeing all sorts of variations on the original kit. Lots of people are customising their little case, to suit their own wants.
    Yours is going to be very pretty!

  15. This is really pretty - the blue, grey and white/cream is a lovely colour combination ...

  16. great going compromising and making your project. I think I like the blue also! Nice desk...very creative looking. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

  17. Loving your version Fiona - the blue looks super cute! It's so lovely to see everyones variations :)

  18. Excellent result and nice tidy space to create in..
    JoZarty x

  19. Everyone's raving about this magazine! I shall have to look out for it in town on Tuesday :) Especially if you get that cute kit with it - I shall follow your version rather than the pattern though, yours is nicer xx

  20. Oh that's really cute! Like it with the blue. Haven't seen this mag yet. Your desk looks very calm and white. I see you don't believe in buying small tubs of gesso!

  21. Love your ipod case you are working on - sorry I am so late had blogger issues

  22. Your case looks scrummy - the two colours work so well together - look forward to seeing more of your makes - I have ordered Molly Makes after hearing so much about it - cant wait to receive it!

  23. ohooo lovely things going on, on your crafty space and it's sooo tidy!! Happy Late Woyww
    ((Lyn #35))

  24. I think I must be going round the bend, I could have sworn you sent me your addy to send on the dress form but I can@t find hide nor hair of an email. So sorry, please could you be kind enough to send me a note of your address to mrskbolton@aol>com>


    Toodles & Binks

  25. Nope, SO OKAY NOW FOUND IT!!!!

    Soz for being a doozie whatso.

