Tuesday 31 May 2011

Happy Birthday to you!

Congratulations on two years of WOYWW? I bet when you first came up with the idea Julia, you had no idea of what it would grow into! Such a simple idea, but so utterly fascinating to anybody as nosey as me.

Did you know that one of the reasons I wanted to have my own blog, was so that I could join in with the weekly peek into everyone’s crafty corner of the world. I shared my desk for the very first time only 10 weeks ago and now I’m hooked.

Sharing my craft space has had an unexpected side effect. I put things away when I have finished with them, which means when I feel like making something there is always room to do just that. Unless of course my daughter gets there first!

I have been more creative in the last couple of months, than the last year and that has to be a good thing. It has been wonderful to find new and inspiring blogs and a whole bunch of lovely people to meet out there.


Here’s to many more years of desk hopping. Thankyou Julia for masterminding the whole marvellous plan. Happy Birthday WOYWWers!


  1. Hiiiiiiii

    You're below me on the PIF list, how exciting.

    I have a little something for you.

    Please could you email me your addy to: stampgalaxy@ol.com

  2. I agree that WOYWW has encouraged me to be more creative too. Here's to next year.

  3. Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. It's so lovely to be linked up with so many creative friends. Happy crafting.
    A x

  4. How lovely to read how Julia's blog has changed your life. So glad you joined 10 weeks ago - the weeks will soon mount up.
    Happy 2nd Anniversary. Hugs, Neet ~15

  5. Lovely relaxed and tidy desk! Glad you're finding it helpful - hurrah for daughters, eh?

  6. great to have you on board...enjoy it!
    Happy WOYWW...Thanks for sharing and have a great week,
    Sarah at 12

  7. I love seeing the desks every week. Long may it continue!

  8. Your desk is sooo neat. I don't join in with this but today, my desk is so cluttered I just had to take a picture. I might just post to say happy birthday to all you brave people that post WOYWW. ps I'm having a birthday too x

  9. I'm so glad you started blogging - I always smile when I see your blog come up in my reading list :) You're so good with the WOYWW, I'll try my best to join in soon too.

  10. I can barely focus on the desk when those cookies are just out of view. You naughty diet detractor!! Well done on the PIF.

    Mary Anne

  11. Wooahh, your desk is so neat and tidy!
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (69)x

  12. Thanks for the tip on the greeseproof paper for the candles will try that - Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  13. Ahhhh see your buttefly punches!!♥
    Happy 2nd WOYWW anniversary!
    Hugs Marleen :-)

  14. What a nice tribute to Julia/WOYWW. And Toodles and Binks? You are a lucky girl. Happy anniversary.

  15. Yes I think WOYWW has worked wonders for lots of creative folk and its so lovely to snoop without feeling nosey!! Happy 2nd anniversary!

  16. Gorgeous tidy desk
    Keep smiling and creating, PS love your header picture

  17. Time totally flies by once you join in ...you wonder where the week went...and it is really adictive.

  18. What a great post! How sweet that Julia has inspired you to blog and get crafting. YAY!

    HAPPY WOYWW. Thanks for visiting me.

    Hugs, Sandra

  19. I’m making a special effort to get around everyone as it’s a special week this week.

    Blogging seems to change everyone’s lives but WOYWW takes it to whole new level. New inspiration and most of all new friends!

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  20. You are right, it's great to share... have a super week

  21. Hi there. Yes, I did do BFS, and yes I have changed my blog. Or rather, Shimelle did. I ws lucky enough to win a blog makeover. Isn't it lovely?
    What a tidy desk BYW

  22. Yep there is nothing more inspiring than desk delving on Wednesdays

  23. I started my blog last September for the very same reason!

    Happy 2nd WOYWW anniversary :-)

  24. Happy 104th WOYWW - its great to see your workspace and 'meet' you through blogland

    Happy Creating xx


  25. Hi honey! Yes, I think I'm right below you on the PiF list. Whoop, whoop!. The girlie below me is in touch and we're sorting out me posting my PiF to her. If you want my snailmail address, my email is di_wray@hotmail.com.This is just so exciting - betcha we've been burning up the Internet :)) Di x

  26. Oh yeah - the best thing about WOYWW is the creativity. Can't honestly say it's made me any tidier though. Really!! Don't credit me with changing things for you gal - you gone done that all by yourself..go you!

  27. I have never had a nice neat desk like yours even when I have tried hard to do so. I am always working on a couple projects and keep everything out for both of them. Happy #104-2nd Anniversary of WOYWW Thanks for sharing. Vickie #55

  28. I see you have a bit of a butterfly theme going on there. Me too this week. Teresa x

  29. I love that you have started this blog & are enjoying it! Didn't know it was cos you're nosey though!!! LOL

  30. I like that WOYWW has inspired you to be more creative - what a wonderful effect on your life.

  31. Lovely butterfly items you have out on your desk!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier!
    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary!
    Karen #70

  32. good for you that WOYWW has encouraged you to put things away. sometimes it does for me too but as can be seen from past posts, sometimes the mess is just too much! but then, WOYWW surely has inspired creativity, so never mind about the mess! happy anniversary!

  33. Thanks for stopping by my blog :0)

  34. happy WOYWW to you too...hugs kath xxx

  35. Thanks for the view into your corner! Will have to check this out about posting what our corner looks like! Just saw your blog post announcement over on Shimelle...I'm so missing the daily interaction on that site!

  36. Please come and sort my desk er mess out!

    Happy WOYWW 2nd anniversary xxx

  37. I've never yet joined in with WOYWW but I always so enjoy seeing other people's workspaces :)

  38. Yep! WOYWW is a very social thing! It makes you feel you belaong to a big crafting family - and it is sooo much fun to snoop! :-)
    Happy 2nd WOYWW anniversary!
    Lots of hugs,

  39. Yep...we are WOYWW addicts for sure! Happy 104th!

  40. Hi there, sorry am so late in popping over, thanks for leaving your lovely comments and love seeing your crafty desk! Lots of lovely things there. Happy 104 WOYWW and 2nd anniversary! Shaz in Oz.x

  41. Your desk looks fab.
    Happy WOYWW Anniversary.

  42. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog last week sorry I am so late in visiting back but I was on holiday until late yesterday - hope you had a great woyww - I have that butterfly sizzix die too isnt it versatile I seem to have used it loads of time already.

  43. happy anniversary,

    sorry for lateness, been away and had blogger probs.

    Great tidy little desk, I wish mine looked like that even for a short while lol

    Welcome to woyww.x

  44. Hey Fiona - didn't realise you were so new to the world of Blogging! Happy WOYWW 104!

  45. Belated 104!! It's very addicting, and inspiring and addicting lol. TFS :D #8

  46. Thanks for sharing your desk. I always love looking at your Martha Stewart punches ;-)
